Gasworld 2013 Special Feature : 10 minutes with

“I believe the most exciting growth drivers, besides the LNG and energy mix, would be in the areas of the recovery of waste products, as well as gases conversion into useful applications” – Peh Lam Hoh, Founder and CEO of Sing Swee Bee (SSB).

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1 July, 2013

What have we interrupted in your schedule today?
Not at all, you have not interrupted my schedule and you are most welcome. We believe in sharing our ideas and business philosophies especially with gasworld.

Perhaps you could tell us a little about the company’s operations and each of its business divisions?
We position ourselves as a one-stop-solution provider to our clients. Principally, we are in the business of gas cylinders and related equipment and accessories trading in Southeast Asia, as well as gas and bulk liquid production in both Malaysia and Vietnam. Additionally, we have ISO tanks for leasing as well as for bulk trading and repairs as a service offering.

Further, we also integrate, erect and commission cryogenic storage and vaporization systems, as well as specializing in LNG membrane global test, helium leak test and purging services for pipelines, vessels and storage tanks.

What’s the best thing about SSB?
We are a young company with diverse specializations and hope to make an imprint in the industrial gas market.

What was the last book you read?
Sun Tzu – The Art of War. Even today, his ancient strategies are still relevant in the business world.

What do you see shaping the industrial gases business in the future?
New technologies and efficient plants, keeping energy costs low.

What’s the most exciting application or growth driver for industrial gases?
I believe the most exciting growth drivers, besides the LNG and energy mix, would be in the area of recovery of waste products as well as gases conversion into useful applications. It is wasteful to not put these products to good/efficient use.

What future do you see for the gases market in Southeast Asia?
Very promising, with its growth engines driven by the offshore and oil exploration businesses.

What’s next for SSB? What’s the main project you’re working on?
Expansion into new markets, and creating value by venturing into vertical and horizontal integration as well as the establishment of an air separation plant in East Malaysia.

What was the last stamp in your passport?
Japan, Osaka.

What travel plans do you have this year?
Africa would be our next frontier, where we see virgin markets, which would pose both a business and marketing challenge for Sing Swee Bee.

Who or what was the biggest influence in your career so far?
When I was young, I asked my father what was my grandfather’s occupation when he was alive. My father to me that he was a successful businessman. It is this realization that cemented my decision to be an entrepreneur.

What are your hobbies?
Golf is my hobby, and during my spare time I would be thinking of more business and business potentials. Sing Swee Bee is an SME; hence, we have to be constantly on the move so as to value-add our customers and to grow.

Gasworld 2013 Special Feature : 10 minutes with
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